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Launching Your Own Organization – A Chance to Learn, Grow and Give

Updated: Jul 22, 2019

Much like any new professional opportunity, embarking on the adventure of a new business or organization comes with the gift of learning, the chance to grow and the opportunity to share what you’ve discovered. As KGreen & Co. launched this past April, I made a commitment to share my experiences with a very close group of colleagues and friends who also aspire to serve the world using their gifts and talents via their own ventures. That also meant that I would share with anyone who engages with KGreen & Co. because one never knows when you might find yourself leading a new path over the course of your professional journey!

What I’ve Learned and Am Coaching Others On

- Your infrastructure, systems, business processes and how people “experience your organization” matters and taking the time to get organized from the beginning will serve you well in the short and long term.

- The way you launch to the world (your web presence, business cards and communications tools etc.) can make or break your ability to be seriously considered as a subject matter expert worthy of doing business with.

- Yes, you must acquire financial, tax, and legal knowledge and advice, discern when it is best to hire professionals and set up your foundation in the beginning.

- It is best to do this before you accept payment and pay for your organizational expenses.

- The tax component of launching your new venture will impose requirements and deadlines on you regardless of whether you generate income or revenue.

- This one is tough because it isn’t the sexiest part of launching your new venture, yet it is an absolute requirement to get this right.

- Honoring the time it takes to develop quality content, services and products is an internal battle that you will learn to embrace.

- Every business opportunity is worth considering; yet a select set of opportunities will align with your values and your newfound freedom to choose which projects you spend your time on. That same freedom might mean passing up good for great and that is perfectly okay.

- It’s okay to take your time and evolve with your organization as you just might find out you have an expanded area of passion that you want to provide a service for.

What I Embrace and Hope That You Will Too

- Life is short, do what you love and do it with integrity, an open mind and a commitment to serving others well.

- You can create or respond to a dream while working on other professional and personal goals and not feel guilty about it.

- Every coach needs a coach and regardless of your expertise; you should engage multiple coaches over the course of your life to help you become the best version of you.

- Don’t let fear keep you from asking the questions to get the answers you need and don’t feel pressure to become all things just because you launch your own venture.

- Balance your time and energy so that you can give and receive love and support to your loved ones while cultivating your personal and professional relationships.

What You Can Look Forward To from KGreen & Co.

- We’ve recently expanded our services to include Financial Literacy – a topic that I am personally passionate about and am committed to coaching children, young adults and families on. To connect with us about this topic, sign up for a Koffee with Kassidy session.

- Our keynote addresses, speaking engagements and webinar offerings will result in additional engagement opportunities for you no matter where you reside in the world. Check out our Events for an opportunity to connect.

- We’re partnering with our marketing and social media provider to develop the campaigns necessary for content that will launch later in 2019 and 2020. Subscribe to the KGreen & Co. website to receive exclusive offers for your growth and development.

Having applied each of the learnings from this post, we look forward to being a life-long partner for whatever your professional dreams are.

I take personal delight in helping you create the best version of you and wish you courage to go after your heart's desires and give your gifts and talents away!

KGreen & Co.

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